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Educational offer


I.    General indications

1.    The courses are delivered in Italian and English. For non-native Italian language students, a simultaneous translation service from Italian into English will be available;
2.    The courses are limited in number (max. 20 students, of which 15 in person and 5 online) and the admission is based on a selection (criteria are given in ch. IV);
3.    The final number of students and the actual activation of the online class, may be subject to later evaluation by YAC srl in relation to the participation preferences advanced by the candidates;
4.    The courses will be held at YACademy’s campus in via Borgonuovo 5, Bologna, Italy;
5.    YACademy reserves the right to modify the timetable and the course program for a better running of the courses. Any such changes will be communicated to students in advance;
6.    Each course consists of:
a.    Modules of frontal teaching (i.e. theoretical classes, held in classroom)
b.    Special lectures and critiques sessions (the latter intended as review sessions of the related design workshop with the guest lecturers);
c.    Visits and surveys outside the classroom;
d.    One-day lab (days of active practice/design by students);
e.    A design workshop;
f.    An intensive final construction workshop;
g.    An internship or collaboration period of at least 2 months and with a guarantee of reimbursement, with one of the academy’s partner firms.
7.    The possibility of accessing the activities referred to in the previous points 6.c, 6.d, 6.f is guaranteed exclusively to the students who participate in person: the students who attend the online mode will not be able to participate in these activities, unless it is explicitly reported in the “structure” section of this document.
8.    In order for the student to activate an internship/collaboration, as described at p. 6.g, is required:
•    the achievement of a design workshop qualification (certified by the workshop tutor for each student);
•    have attended at least 75% of the lesson modules as described at p. 6.a, 6.b;

These conditions only apply to students who will attend the course in person. For the online students, the relevant conditions are reported at par. VI.

9.    The allocation of the students to the professional structures for the internship/collaboration experience is uniquely determined and at the discretion of YACademy, which will keep into account the availability of the host facilities;
10.    The training period/collaboration will be activated within 3 months from the end of the didactic part of the course, understood as the conclusion of the final construction workshop.

These conditions apply exclusively to students attending the course in person. For the online students, the relevant conditions are reported at ch. VI;

11.    The courses issue a certificate of attendance;
12.    For the certificate of attendance to be issued, it is fundamental to have attended at least 75% of the activities referred to in sections 6.a and 6.b; These conditions only apply to students who will attend the course in person. For the online students, the relevant conditions are reported at ch. VI.
13.    For candidates coming from non-EU countries who wish to attend courses in person, it is advisable to verify the terms and conditions for visa well in advance of the publication of the ranking list, in order to start the courses in line with the timetable published in these regulations. The YACademy staff is available for the eventual issuing of documentation in support of the visa application. The visa shall be exclusively required for the part relating to classroom teaching, therefore for the first 10 weeks of the course. In relation to such necessity and to the timing of visa issuance, YAC suggests its students to apply for tourist visas. YACademy is not to be held responsible for any incorrect applications or failure to obtain a visa.

II.    Attendance modes

1.    Each admitted student will be able to decide in which mode to attend the course from among the following possibilities:
•    Online: enrollment fee is 2,900 € + VAT
•    In person: enrollment fee is 9,700 € + VAT for the courses in Spiritual Architecture and Wood Architecture; enrollment fee is 7,900 € + VAT for the course in Concept Design for Architecture; enrollment fee is 6,700 € + VAT for the course in Design Management.
2.    Each of these modes has specific prerogatives guaranteeing the student the possibility of participating to a different degree in each of the course modules, as described at p. I.7;
3.    The choice of attendance mode may be limited according to the places available and the preferences expressed by candidates with a higher position in the ranking.
4.    The preference as to the mode of attendance of the course (online/in person/no preference) must be expressed during the application phase, via the dedicated flag in the reserved area of the account, on the website The indication of this preference is not binding and may be revised in the event of admission to the course.

III.    Prerequisites for 
accessing the courses

1.    Pre-intermediate knowledge of English (B1 level, at least);
2.    Being students or graduates from one of the following academic courses:
•    Landscape Architecture 
•    Architecture and architectural engineering
•    Preservation of environmental and architectural heritage
•    Preservation and restoration of cultural heritage
•    Design

The Selection Committee can admit applicants who hold a different certificate from those mentioned above after examining their CV, portfolio, motivational letter and, possibly, interviewing them;

3.    Completing the application procedure as reported at par. V;
4.    Regular payment of the administration fees and enrolment fee (or instalments thereof).

IV.    Admission

1.    The applications will be assessed by a selection committee which will assign a score from 0 to 100 to each applicant;
2.    The Selection Committee is composed of the following professionals: 
•    Alessandro Cecchini (YAC srl chairman)
•    Paolo Cresci (ARUP associate director)
•    Dagur Eggertsson (Rintala Eggertsson Architects founder)
•    Giulio Rigoni (BIG associate)
•    Giuseppe Zampieri (David Chipperfield Architects Milano director)
3.    The Selection Board’s verdict is final;
4.    The Selection Committee is not obliged to write a comment for each of the submitted applications;
5.    Scoring is based on the following criteria:
•    curriculum vitae (max 30 points)
•    motivational letter (max 20 points)
•    portfolio (max 50 points)
6.    Besides any other information that the applicant deems interesting, for a more correct reading of the CV, it must necessarily include
•    the year of graduation and degree mark, for those who have already graduated; non-graduated applicants should specify the presumed date of graduation and presumed degree mark;
•    indication of the level of English language according to CEFR standards.
7.    On the basis of the scores awarded, a provisional ranking will be formed and published in each applicant’s online personal area. The best 20 applicants for each course will be admitted according to the scores described at p. 5 of this chapter;
8.    Students placed between 1st and 3rd place (included) will be guaranteed a scholarship covering the entire enrolment fee, regardless of the mode of attendance chosen - online or in person-; the scholarship will be awarded unequivocally to the first three students in the ranking; should one of these withdraw, the scholarship cannot be assigned to any other applicant;
9.    Students between 4th and 20th place (included) will be admitted to the course subject to payment of the registration fee (set at €3,538 for the online courses and €11,834 for the in person courses in Spiritual Architecture and Wood Architecture, €9,638 for the in person course of Concept Design for Architecture, and €8,174 for the in person course of Design Management);
10.    The applicants ranking from 21st on will not be admitted to the course, but may be admitted following the retirement of some of the admitted applicants; in this case, the course tutor will get in contact with the applicants promptly in case of a second admission round;
11.    According to enrollments and retirements, after 14 days from the publication of the provisional ranking, the official ranking will be published in the online private area of each applicant;
12.    Each candidate admitted (both with and without a scholarship) will be contacted by the course tutor in the first few days following the publication of the provisional ranking list, to confirm their enrollment and the chosen mode of attendance of the course (in person or online);
13.    In the event of a tie between two or more candidates, priority will be given to the candidate who has obtained a higher score in relation to the portfolio or - in the event of a further tie - to the candidate who first finalised payment of the administration fees referred to in point V.5;
14.    The selection committee may, if necessary, ask the candidate to take part in a motivational interview;
15.    the date of the motivational interview, if any, will be agreed between the course tutor and the applicant, and in any case conducted via video call;
16.    Should an invited candidate fail to attend the possible interview, they will be automatically excluded from the selection.

V.    Enrollment

1.    Access;
2.    Fill in all the required fields in the personal details form;
3.    At the end of the registration procedure, the applicant will receive an email containing a link (check the spam folder or contact the YACademy Staff at in case this email is not in the inbox); click on the link to confirm the registration;
4.    Log in to the online personal area with the activated username and password and choose the course for which you intend to complete the application;
5.    The following are required:
•    a copy of a valid identity document
•    motivational letter (max 200 words); max size 2MB;
•    CV (free format); max. size 2MB;
•    portfolio (free format, max. size 10 MB and in .pdf format) any links (online portfolio) will not be considered for evaluation;
•    payment of the administration fee of €73.20 via PayPal or bank transfer (following the instructions on the website);
•    indication of preference as to the course mode of attendance (non-binding).
6.    Once the necessary documents have been uploaded and the administration fees have been paid, the application will be completed and evaluated by the YACademy staff;
7.    At the end of the revision of the applications, on the day of publication of the provisional ranking, the applicants will be able to assess their status in relation to the marks obtained by logging in to their reserved area:
Applicants are invited to carefully assess their position in the provisional ranking list in view of possible re-selection;

8.    In case of admission without a scholarship, the applicant must pay – by the times reported in the “calendar” section of this document - the enrollment fee of
•    11,834 € (9,700 € + VAT) for those who will attend the courses of Spiritual Architecture or Wood Architecture in person; 9,638 € (7,900 € + VAT) for those who will attend the course of Concept Design for Architecture; €8,174 (6,700 + VAT) for those who will attend the course of Design Management;
•    3,538 € (2,900 € + VAT) for those who will attend the course online;
9.    The enrollment fees can be paid:
a.    in one installment, as far as the online mode is concerned;
b.    in one installment or in three installments (with a 6% increase), as far as the in person mode is concerned, following this scheme:
b.1. for the courses in Spiritual Architecture and Wood Architecture:
•    6,444.04 € (corresponding to 5,282 € + VAT) as a deposit confirmation*;
•    3,660 € (corresponding to 3,000 € + VAT) within the week prior to the start of classes*;
•    2,440 € (corresponding to 2,000 € + VAT) as balance, within the 5th week of classes*;
b.2. for the course in Concept Design for Architecture:
•    4116.28 € (corresponding to 3374 € + VAT) as a deposit confirmation*;
•    3660 € (corresponding to 3000 € + VAT) within the week prior to the start of classes*;
•    2440 € (corresponding to 2000 € + VAT) as balance, within the 5th week of classes*;
b.3. for the course in Design Management
•    3,660 € (corresponding to 3,000 € + VAT) as a deposit confirmation*;
•    2,564.44 € (corresponding to 2,102 € + VAT) within the week prior to the start of classes*;
•    2,440 € (corresponding to 2,000 € + VAT) as balance, within the 5th week of classes*;

*see the “calendar” section on the course brief to acknowledge the specific dates.

10.    Not paying the enrollment fee – or its installments - will exclude the applicant from the course;
11.    The enrollment fee, or its installments, must be paid by bank wire to the following IBAN (UNICREDIT S.p.A.) IT51F0200802457000107083685 indicating the following reason for payment: “name and surname of the student; course title; enrollment” (e.g. for student John Smith’s enrollment in the Regeneration Architecture course: “John Smith; Regeneration Architecture; enrollment”).

VI.    Online attendance

YACademy offers the opportunity to participate in its courses with the “online” mode. The online participation in YACademy’s courses can take place in two different modes:
1.    Live streaming; lectures will be accessible through an online platform, therefore it is necessary that the students have a computer with internet access; the students who take part in the live streaming of the lessons will be given the opportunity to ask questions and interact with the teachers according to the lesson delivery mode and with moderation carried out by YACademy staff;
2.    Deferred streaming: lectures will be recorded and made available to students within 5 working days from their delivery so as to allow attendance to students who live in countries with different time zones that are not compatible with Italian classroom timetable; the lessons will be uploaded on a specific web portal with access reserved to YACademy students. Therefore, it will be essential for students to have a computer with internet access; the students who attend deferred-streamed lessons can send their questions to YACademy staff, who will proceed to forward them to the teachers.

For the students who will participate in the course with the “online” mode, either in live-streaming or deferred-streaming mode, it is specified that:
3.    There are no different registration/evaluation procedures or different rankings: all applicants who wish to participate in the course in person or online are considered equally in the selection and, once they are admitted to the course – either with a scholarship or without - they will be able to confirm which mode they wish to join, i.e. in person or online, on the basis of the maximum number of places available and according to the preferences expressed by the admitted students according to their position in the ranking;
4.    The interpretation service will also be provided for non-native Italian-speaking students participating in the online course.

It is also clarified that students who will take part in the course in the online mode:
5.    Will be able to attend all lessons, except for the parts mentioned at point I.6.c, .d, .f, (as described in the chapter “structure” of the course brochure);
6.    Will be able to participate in the design workshop activities without any limitations (by carrying out their project revision via video call with the workshop tutor)
7.    Will receive an attendance certificate and will have access to the collaboration/internship envisaged by the course of the duration of minimum 2 months and with guaranteed remuneration, provided that:
a.    they have completed the design workshop activity successfully (certificated by the workshop tutor for each student); 
b.    they have successfully taken a final learning assessment test, certified at the sole discretion of an assessment committee;

With regard to the exam referred to in point 7.b, it is specified that it will consist of the submission of 2 papers:
•    an individual project, as a development of the project carried out in the design workshop, according to the specifications delivered on the first day of course attendance;
•    a report summarising the contents of one of the teaching modules delivered within the course, according to the specifications handed in on the first day of course attendance;
8.    The report must be delivered in English;
9.    The evaluation commission will be composed of members of the teaching board, the laboratory teacher and members of the YACademy staff;
10.    The delivery of the papers mentioned in point 7.b. is univocally fixed at 3 weeks from the date of conclusion of the design workshop;
11.    If a student is unable to deliver the papers by the aforementioned date, or in the event of a negative outcome of the test, the student’s right to take part in the two-month internship/collaboration period provided for in the course programme will be forfeited;
12.    The internship/collaboration period is activated within a maximum of 3 months from the end of the course, which is understood to be the date of notification of passing the final examination referred to above.

VII.    Notes

1.    This whole document constitutes an integral part of the Terms and Conditions of the service;
2.    The applicants agree to the Terms and Conditions when they register;
3.    Administration fees and enrollment fees - or their installments - are not refundable under any circumstances;
4.    The administration fees and enrollment fees - or their installments - can be paid by a third party, provided that the reason for payment correctly refers to the applicant as indicated at point V.10;
5.    YACademy declines all liability for missing communications depending on incorrect information due to lack of or late communication of the change of address indicated in the online application, nor for any misunderstandings attributable to third parties, fortuitous events or force majeure;
6.    In the event that false or mendacious declarations are found in the documentation submitted by the candidate, which are relevant for the purposes of enrolment, in addition to the sanctions envisaged by Article 76 of the Italian Presidential Decree 445/2000, the candidate shall forfeit the right to enrolment and shall not be entitled to any reimbursement of the fees paid. Any false or mendacious declarations shall entail exposure to action for damages by counterparties;
7.    Applicants will be responsible for the truthfulness and correctness of the data, including personal data, and YAC srl will not be held responsible for the indication of false data. In any case, YAC srl, in compliance with the privacy regulations, reserves the right to verify the data entered by requesting a copy of the identity document from which the personal data used during the registration process are shown;
8.    Access to the courses and the internship/collaboration period may be interrupted for disciplinary reasons or due to force majeure;
9.    Maintaining the firms listed in the course brochure, the list of internship/collaboration host establishments may benefit from further additions.
10.    The result of the educational program (hereafter named “project”), including any (available) intellectual and/or industrial property rights on the project, is owned definitively by YAC srl, which therefore acquires the exclusive right to economic exploitation, as well as reproduction, in any way or form, including the rights to use, execute, adapt, modify, publish on any media channel, exhibit, reproduce and distribute the project, also for marketing and advertising purposes, carry out editorial reviews, create derivative works based on it, and license the project, or some of its parts, to third parties, in any form, mode or technology including the “right of panorama” without any limitation of time or place.
11.    Each applicant may apply for more than one course;
12.    Each applicant cannot benefit from 2 scholarships in the same academic year.

For the course in Design Management:

Additional scholarships for candidates registered in the Order of Engineers of the Province of Trento

With the aim of facilitating access to the course for students formed in the field of design, for the year 2024 Yacademy will recognize an additional scholarship, covering the full cost of enrollment (both in-person and online versions), for IAAD and Accademia Italiana alumni and students. To them apply - in addition to what is already specified in these regulations - the following indications:

Thanks to the support of the Luigi Negrelli Foundation, in the first edition of the Design Management course, Yacademy will assign (2) two additional scholarships, covering the full cost of enrollment (both in the in-person and online versions), for those registered in the professional Order of Engineers of the Province of Trento. For these, the following indications apply - in addition to what is already specified in this regulation:

1.    With reference to point IV.8, with respect to the available scholarships, (2) two additional scholarships covering the full registration fee will be guaranteed to the best candidates (i.e. those obtaining the highest score pursuant to art. IV.5) regularly registered with the professional Order of Engineers of the Province of Trento, who have correctly completed the registration procedure as indicated in paragraph VI. Enrollment; the scholarships will be assigned unambiguously, therefore if the assignees refuse them, they cannot be reassigned;
2.    With reference to point IV.5, for candidates with the professional Order of Engineers of the Province of Trento, and intending to compete for the scholarships mentioned in point VIII.1, it will be necessary to insert the wording “OIPT Application” as the subject of the motivation letter (it is suggested for it to be placed prominently in the document: at the top of the page, right-aligned and in bold). During the evaluation, it will be the responsibility of Yacademy, and of the Order of Engineers of the Province of Trento, to verify the appropriateness of the request and the actual candidate’s registration in the Order.
3.    Candidates registered with the professional Order of Engineers of the Province of Trento compete, in any case, also for the possible assignment of the 3 scholarships offered by Yacademy.

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